The Changing Face Of Doom And Gloom…

Steve Smyth
3 min readMar 6, 2019


Life is becoming all about fear of Climate Change.


Planet Earth is changing.

What else is new?

Polar Ice is melting.

Again, nothing new.

The Ocean is warming and Sea Levels are rising.

Earth’s Ocean was hundreds of feet higher, and so hot it boiled at one time, so that’s not news either.

The history of our planet has been tumultuous and terrifying when looked at from our point of view.

We are living during the ideal conditions for us to thrive.

It’s working.

Life is better and offers more than ever before.

Diseases capable of wiping out millions in one fell swoop have been eradicated.

No mystery there, Folks.

We have more than doubled our population in less than a century.

Anyone can see that procreation and population is the secret to success of a living species.

This is our heyday, our opportunity to thrive.

Yet the news is filled with doom and gloom about Climate Change.


Simply put, our outlook has no room for seeing Humanity as whole.

We are concerned about one thing, ourselves.

What’s in it for ME?

What will Global Warming and Sea Level Rise mean to ME?

Until and unless that POV changes, worry and concern will rule our existence forever, and pols and pundits will continue to enflame those concerns because they can make a buck doing so.

Since we are the only living things with a sense of self, and the newly developed need to stare into glowing boxes for self satisfying information, we might as well get used to it.

We are stuck with being us.

That famous Polar Bear stranded on the ice flow is not out there thinking why him?

Either the ice flow will blow close enough to shore for the Polar Bear to get off, swim to safety, and live to a ripe old age, or it won’t.

His final thoughts, should things go badly, will not be, “Damn those friggin’ Humans for causing Global Warming!”

He’s not thinking at all.

If it were you or me out there, we’d be panicking, praying the cell phone had coverage and enough battery left to contact The Coast Guard, and if so would The Coast Guard be in business that day or would TRUMP be in a snit and have rescue services shut down.

Climate Change matters for one reason, and one reason only.


It will affect the Global Economy.

Today’s economy depends on Maritime Commerce, which starts and stops at Shoreline Earth.

If the water at Shoreline Earth gets 2’ higher, docks will be inundated at high tide.

Tractor trailers cannot operate in 2’ of seawater, and the cranes used to offload the container ships are not tall enough to reach the top of the load if the ship is floating above it.

Containers will not get offloaded, and the big wheel will screech to a sudden halt.

You would be even more frightened if you realized how critical it is to get that vessel emptied and back underway.

Our lives depend on getting the goods off those container ships in a predictable, timely fashion.

Ironically enough, keeping the above in mind, Sea Level Rise will lead to a drastic cut in the use of fossil fuels.

With no shipping by sea, no trucks, and no cars, there will be no reason to drill for oil or natural gas, dig for coal, or fly for business because there will not be any business to conduct.

Problem solved.

End of story.

Get over the doom and gloom.

Overreaction to predictions of Climate Change is totally and completely self defeating.

We gotta do what we gotta do.

Let’s get on with it.

As a closing note, I challenge any of the pols and pundits raving on either side of the issue to give a clear, concise explanation of what is or is not happening.

Dare ya ta change this!



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