Big Spring…
This should be a doozy.
I can feel Earth bursting with newness.
Billions of humans are facing serious reflection time.
An insidiuos virus from who knows where is sweeping the planet, threatening the health and well being of all Humanity, and bringing the global economy to a screeching halt.
This is the stuff of biblical legend, fire, famine, pestilence and that kinda thing.
And, it’s actually happening in real time, giving us all a heads up.
For me, the Epiphany arrived with thoughts of Planetarianism.
Every second more and more of us are confronted with the reality that we are all connected.
Right now, a planet-wide pandemic is threatening the global economy.
Nation after Nation has proven powerless to stop it.
Planetarians recognize this and are preparing to contend with global reality.
Instead of railing into the darkness about defending borders against microscopic enemies, we will move forward bonded by our mutual infection.
What doesn’t kill ya, makes ya stronger.
In this age of overzealous Nationalism, we are suddenly faced with COVID-19, the great global equalizer.
Borders be damned.
You can wear your MAGA hats while chanting OO ESS EY and LOCK HER UP forever.
Do you think we can divert the wall funds towards a huge bubble?
How about lining up soldiers at our borders repeating CO VID GONE over and over?
Not gonna happen, but it’s fun to consider.
I suggest we channel the overzealous partisanship everyone seems to love right now, and simply switch to a new chant.
Become a Planetarian.
Repeat these words, Planet Earth ( PLAN IT EARTH ), with the same cadence as OO ESS EY.
In deference to the Nationalistic identity crisis we seem to be facing, let’s call this new venture Planetarianism.
One can never go wrong with an ology or an ism.
Feels like spring to me!