UNITEDNESS…a state of mind…

Steve Smyth
8 min readAug 2, 2022


You might be an oil lobbyist.

Maybe you pray to Greta.

Maybe you do not give a rat’s butt about anything.

But, The Climate Crisis has your future by the short hairs.

Aliens could send us a harmless bacteria that converts CO2 to O2 and saves the day.

The Gulf Stream could dissipate and alter the US East Coast beyond our wildest dreams.

The whole idea of Climate Change and Global Warming could be proven total BS.

But, our collective consciousness has been tainted with a flood of conflicting certainties, presented by ‘Experts’.

When I first started studying and writing about Climate Change in 2007, there were a few ‘Experts’ writing papers for peer review.

None of them had any media savvy.

Media savvy people took the work of those few experts and copy/pasted bits and pieces to suit their viewpoint.

Major outlets all had their Climate Desk, copying and pasting the same few articles into position papers for their editors and columnists to represent.

From those few early Climate Crisis Plagiarists/Journalists, to now, the overwhelming burden of believing we have destroyed our niche and it is just a matter of time until the Caca hits the fan, looms over us all.

The biggest driver of early scare tactics was ex US Senator, ex VP, almost POTUS, Al Gore.

Just for perspective…

Al Gore’s Daddy was also a Senator from The Great State of Tennessee.

He represented Armand Hammer’s Occidental Coal and Petroleum so perfectly that Armand himself often trotted Gore Sr. out for special events.

The two strutted about, Hammer smiling and tapping his back pocket like ‘got this fool right here where I want him’.


How ironic is it that Al Jr. , son of a fossil fuel shill, has been anointed by Richard Branson as ‘the leading environmental voice of the last thirty years’.

After you sort that out in the ol’ noggin, don’t forget that Al’s ex-wife, Tipper Gore, orchestrated the biggest direct frontal attack on the First Amendment ever attempted.

Remember when record albums had warning labels?

Thanks, Tipper.

So, Algore is the first big time, media savvy entrepreneur to jump aboard the climate bandwagon and grab the reins.

But, there is absolutely zero reason to believe that he is right about anything.

He was raised by a sellout conman and married a human rights terrorist.

And, he believes Richard Branson’s fluff.

Add that to your mix of climate incongruities, and carry on.

Start preparing for a future where Algore’s fear-conditioned young people are up against Don Boy’s fear mongering old guys.

Old guys who are facing their last hurrah, savoring the joys of fossil fuel excess to the max.

While the young, fear-conditioned minions parade their placards ad infinitum.

Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.

With that somewhat fatalistic outlook wafting through the ether, let’s embark.

To the future!

UNITEDNESS 2024…we need it!

Because, by the time the full effects of global change have us all on full alert every second of every day, we are going to need one another like never before.

Hang on tight!

Welcome to The Age of Man.

Planet Earth has been Humanized, remade to suit our purposes.

The question is, have we pushed things too far?

This might help clear things up.

CO2 is the enemy du jour.

The balance of nature is akilter because we generate more CO2 than the environment can naturally respire.

We have removed more of the planet’s CO2 digesting greenery than the system can sustain.

All the while knowing that cutting down oxygen producing forests is slowly destroying our niche.

It’s akin to removing irreplaceable chunks of Earth’s lungs.

We cannot survive the CO2 imbalance long enough for forests to regrow.

Yet, the quest for more and more of everything drives some humans to clear cut with no thought for the downside.

It’s Human Nature at work.

Human Nature has no brakes, no reverse, and a firm belief that somebody will always figure it out before the worst happens.

So far it has worked out OK.

In the recent half century, we’ve doubled our population, while increasing our life spans by decades.

In the face of all this, let’s give Earth a chance to speak.

EARTH SEZ…Make Earth Green Again…!

Heads up, Humans.

Here comes the harsh truth.

You have become parasitic.

I don’t care if your greed results in extinction.

I liked being a verdant paradise.

Remember, one quick shiver and you are off like a prom dress.

Yours Truly,



Earth sounds serious.

Will we take the hint?

Our history says no.

This is where the Transcend Doubt part comes into play.

Everything above is undoubtedly true.

So what?

There is no doubt we will push until something breaks.

It’s time to get used to it, get over it, and get on with it.

Do not doubt it!

ACCLIMATE…to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation…

Everything is changing.

We need to get used to it and learn to adapt.



Don’t wait.

Don’t wait.

Don’t hesitate.

It’s not too late to change our fate.

All we gotta do is acclimate.


Products derived from petrochemicals make today’s economy possible.

From gasoline and heating oil to the keyboard I’m using, science and industry have found ways to capitalize on every molecule of that black sludge we pump from the ground.

Humans have become dependent on petroleum.

The guys who control the flow, control us.

Remember, in the battle to preserve our niche, it ain’t the oil, it’s the oilman.

On the other hand, if not for Kerosene, we would have killed every whale in the ocean for lamp oil 100 years ago.

Go figger!

Life on Planet Earth is changing.

We must adapt quickly or wither and die.

Complex Issue/Simple Choice.


Hi, I’m Steve Smyth, Pure Product of America, classic, all original since 1947.

I’ve been a nature guy all my life.

My carbon footprint is harder to find than Bigfoot tracks.

In 2007, upon learning of The Climate Crisis, I wrote…

“There’s a Seachange a comin’, comin’ for us all.

We’re bound to get swept up in it, all ridin’ on this ball.

Since what you see is what you get, learn to see it all.”

Since then, I’ve been studying and writing about change, attempting to ‘see it all’ and pass along what I have learned.

Most importantly, it has become clear that fossil fuel guys will stop at nothing in their quest for wealth and power.

Putin’s war against Ukraine is all about gaining access to The Black Sea.

This will expedite transport of Russian Oil and Gas around the world.

Russia is also developing a fleet of ice breakers, designed to keep the Northwest Passage open for tankers.

Arctic melting, caused by overuse of fossil fuels, will help to keep the shipping lanes navigable.

Vlad and his cohorts love man made Global Warming.

Do you really think that young people waving SAVE THE EARTH placards will change the outlook of the fossil fuel guys?

To a man like Putin, those kids look like the urchins in Oliver Twist begging the man for ‘more, Sir’.

Their pleading does nothing more than confirm his power over their lives.

What does he care about what happens to those youngsters?

Their future is not his problem.

He’ll be in his mausoleum before the worst of Climate Change hits the fan.

This is what we are up against.

The guys causing Global Warming love it.

They have all the money, power, and guns.

Welcome to The Last Hurrah.

Earth does not need saving.

We do.




We did it!

We have Humanized Planet Earth.

We own it.

The future is ruled by Human Nature.

Good or bad, right or wrong, everything we do is as natural as the Sunrise.

If we destroy our niche on planet Earth, it will be part of the natural course of events.

If we survive and thrive, we’ll owe it all to Human Nature.

Survival of the species drives our actions.

We have doubled our population in less than a century.

Procreation Rules!

All thanks to Human Nature.

Now, many of us foresee doom and gloom as a result of overpopulation.

There are way too many people for the available resources.

We’re running out of room and all of the good stuff is gone.

SUCCESS has become our greatest enemy.

Go figger!


There’s never going to be a vaccine for Climate Change.

The planet does not need saving.

We do.

Man-Made Climate Change is as natural as the sunrise.

We are Nature.

If we greedily destroy our niche on planet Earth, it’s just part of the Natural Course of Events.

Something else will fill the void left by our passing.

Welcome to The Anthropocene.

We did this.

Now what?

The men in charge of The Anthropocene do not worry about ecological disaster.

To them, Nature is messy and dangerous, standing in the way of progress.

There were no trees in The Jetsons.

The planet raping scumbags determining humanity’s future look forward and see nothing.

What do they care?

They’ll be gone before the worst of Climate Change hits the fan.

It’s long been obvious that we’re poisoning our niche in the name of progress.

Excessive use of fossil fuels is clearly bad for us.

There is no easy answer to the Climate Crisis.

Humans have no brakes and no reverse.

It’s just not natural for people to revert in favor of a safer environment.

We must work to develop sustainable alternatives, while we adapt to the changes we’ve already made.

Will our ‘Superior Intellect’ figger it out and rescue us once again?

Or have we pushed the envelope too far this time?

Hopefully, this gives you a clearer picture.

We are in it up to our ears, because we cannot stop ourselves.

For better or worse, Human Nature will prevail.



Above are my latest climate observations…based on what’s been learned over a lifetime, updated by current events.

Here’s an example of some older material on this topic…2014 to be exact…

Our New Ocean: US East Coast Sea Level Rise…The Real Skinny…

Stay Tuned…there’s much more still to come.

We are living through “King Petro Chem’s Last Hurrah”.

His rule will not end peacefully.

Buckle Up and hang on to your hat…here we go…!



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